Excel Spreadsheets, Templates & Access Databases for Business
Budget Controller
Budget Controller spreadsheets simplify the creation of business plans and corporate budgets using business modelling techniques to automatically simulate future profit, cash-flow, balance sheet and key financial ratios based on the assumptions you enter. Budget Controller keeps the balance sheet correctly balanced, the cash-flow reconciled with bank accounts and can generate budgets and business plans over a five year time frame on a monthly, quarterly or yearly basis. Learn More...
Control Panel
Control Panel is an elegantly designed digital dashboard for Excel, providing a cost effective tool to simplify management reporting. The spreadsheets import data from Budget Controller allowing decision makers to measure their actual monthly performance against budget, forecast and prior periods and quickly ascertain where corrective action is needed. Key performance indicators on the digital dashboard are flagged with a red, amber, green "traffic light" system to highlight problem areas. Learn More...
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Sales Controller
Sales Controller is a sales forecasting spreadsheet for Excel. It analyses past sales statistics and projects underlying trends into the future. Monthly sales forecasts can be projected over a period of six years for up to ten sales items per spreadsheet. You can create as many files as is needed, so the number of sales items that can be forecast is effectively limitless. It is designed to complement Budget Controller, allowing you to add sales forecast as the basis of your business plan or budget. Learn More...
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Credit Controller
Credit Controller is an Excel spreadsheet providing effective credit control by helping companies determining the creditworthiness of their customers. This credit analysis tool uses credit scoring techniques to produce a comprehensive credit report, recommending a credit limit and credit score for each customer. The spreadsheet can be individually "tuned" to your company's specific credit policy to provide fast and consistent decisions for customers opening new accounts or the revaluation of existing ones. Learn More...
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